"I can give tangible examples of my skills."

I joined Enactus because of its twofold appeal. Firstly, it was able to provide me with guidance, resources and contacts for me to make a real difference to people around the world, involving topics I'm most passionate about. In addition, it has given me tangible examples of the competencies you're expected to have for any graduate job.

Harry Vasilaras, LLB Law, Year 3

Harry wanted to know what he could do to give himself the best chance of getting a good job on graduation.

"From early on in my university life, by attending various employer events and networking, I learnt that you need to show something more in your applications. And for that reason, I began to search for something that could make me more employable by helping me develop skills; but also something that provided me with a platform to showcase my abilities and really help those who need it most.

What do we do at Enactus? The beauty of Enactus is that it is not restrictive in what you can do. As long as you have a passion for social enterprise, the limit really is whether you decide to place it. So, for the last year, I have been involved in: creating a hydroponic system for farmers in Africa living in infertile surroundings, establishing a project focussed on water transportation, setting up a waste management team in Indonesia, organising a university jailbreak event, attended a national event in Grantham with over 5000 students around the UK, met COOs of charities and business advisors from multinational corporations - and that's just to name a few.
Alongside this, I have made the closest friends I have at uni working alongside the fellow Enactus members.
If you'd like to learn more about my experience, or get involved, contact Enactus City at enactuscity.com"
Experience City Case Studies are published by Careers, Student Development and Outreach. If you have a Case Study you would like to see featured, please get in touch.