Meet other students

City has a diverse, interesting student body and loads of different activities to get involved in. Sometimes it can be difficult to meet people who are on a different course to you. Occasionally, it might be nice to break out of the student bubble for a change.

Whether you want to meet people who share your interests or those who are completely different, we’ve highlighted several ways you can meet fellow students below.


How can I meet other students?

Starting university is an exciting and enjoyable time. However it can also be worrying for new students, which is where CityBuddies comes in. A CityBuddy is a second or third year undergraduate,... More
Business School Student Exchange Programmes Take advantage of the option to spend a year or term studying abroad at one of our prestigious partner universities. This will provide you with an... More
There are many opportunities to represent City in competitive team sports. Whether you have represented your school or college or even played at county or national level, you can get involved in one... More